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Breakthrough research aims to help treat trauma in veterans
Implications for Treating Medical Trauma in Military and Veteran Clients
PTSD, Psychological Trauma and Head Injuries
Post Traumatic Stress and Trauma in Veterans Treatment Courts
Brian Klassen, PhD: How to Heal from Trauma and Take Your Life Back - Trigger Avoidance and PTSD
What is trauma? The author of “The Body Keeps the Score” explains | Bessel van der Kolk | Big Think
Veterans For Peace & Medicating Normal: War, Trauma & the Treatment Thereafter
The Unseen Army: Psychiatric Trauma and American Veterans of the Great War
On Trauma - Part 2: Treatments That Build Resilience in the Face of Adversity
Columbia Psychiatry PTSD and Trauma Research and Treatment Panel Discussion on October 23, 2016
DE-CRUIT: Using Theatre to Treat the Effects of Trauma - Week 1
Treating Trauma: How to Improve Client Engagement, Retention, and Outcomes